Wednesday, May 09, 2007

123 & up

Life has been CUHRAZY busy lately. Before my life revolved around OD, and I created a life for myself online. Now I'd rather that my life be played out IRL, and just document it here. It wasn't always like that, and I'm glad it's like that now. I'm just upset that I don't have more time to write! On with the pictures...

123/365, at BW3's as a going away for a coworker, Kate. It was almost awkward because pretty much no one showed up:

124/365, scrubbing shelves in the cafe; there was NOTHING to do Friday, Saturday or Sunday, so I made up jobs for myself.

125/365, I picked this for my 365. I thought it was appropriate and captured the day:

126/365, Adam and I went to watch a softball game on Sunday. A bunch of people from my job are on a team and it was fun to watch, although I did dub it (affectionally) a clusterfuck. But it's just for fun and therefore amusing to watch. Afterwards we went with some people to Pepe's and chatted and snacked. It was a good time and the sky was soooo beautiful:

These are bananas that got sent over to the cafe. We get fruit on Mondays. HELLO, these are greener than GREEN. Cathy said "The bananas are green!" But I had no idea how green they were, and then I HAD to take a picture. They're in a bag ripening up now.

127/365, I actually washed the Fusion yesterday. It was hot outside and the car was filthy, so I dragged out the hose, threw on my bikini top and went to work:


Adam seeded some parts of our ghetto lawn, so he has to water it now:

After yummy Panera and some errand running (baseball supplies), we topped at a little car lot where they were working on tricking out this Monte:

While I was sitting in the car and Adam was checking out a car on the lot, this was quickly approaching all shady-like, so I locked the doors using my foot and snapped this pic:

We went to the Cingular store today where I caved and just got a frickin' free phone already. Check out my sweet old phone on the right:

128/365, sitting in the car waiting for Adam:

To round off the evening, here's a reject: we played catch in the front yard for awhile. I have a tendency to try to hide from the ball. Great! in this pic I was just posing with my glove, but Adam rolled the baseball into the frame just as it snapped the pic (see by my foot):

And that's about it for now! Except: currently obsessed with Timbaland in general, but "The Way I Are" specifically.

Monday, May 07, 2007

24 Hours of Flickr

Check out my 24 Hours of Flickr photoset! Over 20,000 people participated in this event around the world. I still need to pick one photo to submit to the group, so your input is appreciated!

Monday, April 30, 2007


I've had these certain fantasies or ideals throughout my life. I'm not sure where they came from, but through talks with my sister I've discovered she has some of the same. It must have been through a series of events in our childhood that made us kindred in this way. Or maybe it's just genetics because we're sisters.

In any case, I've always had this fantasy... (I'm pretty sure it stems from watching Dirty Dancing and the like.) When we have kids I dream of being the type of people to have a vacation home on a lake... it doesn't have to be anything extravagant; in fact, the cheaper and more quaint the better. Rustic, even. I want to have somewhere that, during the summer months, I pack up the kids and the dogs and we live at the lake house and Adam comes up on the weekends and joins us (because somebody has to bring home the bacon while I take care of the kids, duh!). During the week we build sandcastles and swim and tan and read books and do puzzles and play Monopoly and grill out and sleep on the enclosed screen porch and climb trees and take hikes and ride bikes and go out on paddle boats and listen to music and make new friends and I sit out on the porch drinking iced tea and crocheting something or reading a book while I'm nursing the youngest baby and watch them play in the dirt and make mudpies and I don't care how dirty they are because they're having so much fun.

It's been on my mind a lot lately. I guess because that's something I wish I could have done growing up and something I really would have enjoyed and I think anybody would enjoy. I don't even have kids yet and I'm already worried about them having a real childhood. I want my kids to be kids. Anyway, enough fantasyland! I can picture the cabin in my head already. :)


Sunday busy Sunday

Right now Adam and I are zipping along the Kennedy expressway doing 70mph. It's only three minutes to the circle, but that's not really a surprise as it's 9:15 on a Sunday evening. It’s kind of a freaky sensation to feel the car lurching and floating and accelerating while I’m busy focusing on this bright computer screen.

I took the laptop with me because I thought I could work on my 365 pictures and videos while we were driving and kill two birds with one stone. That way, when I get home, I only have to upload the pictures and I’m done. That sort of worked; editing the photos isn’t working as well because of the jerking around, and I can’t really tell what color things are on this screen when it jitters. It will have to wait until I get home.

Adam just informed me, “I kind of got stuck in this lane. I have no idea where it’s going!” The Dan Ryan construction is different every time we go into the city, so I could only shrug. I don’t really care; we’ll get home when we get home. He just groaned “UGH, do you smell that White Castle?!” I had to inform him it’s not White Castle, it’s Chicago’s famous Maxwell Street Polish. The aroma of mustard and grilled onions hangs over the expressway like a fog when you come out of the circle. It’s either mouth-watering or nauseating; today it does kind of smell delicious.

118/365, at the baseball game:

I got to finish my book, Fire Along the Sky by Sara Donati while I was at the game yesterday. I love, love, LOVE her as an author. It really feels like I’m THERE with the characters, like I’m another person living in Paradise with them, dealing with the things they deal with. She’s just really a master at what she does. There’s another book after that one in the Wilderness series, but I’m not sure if it’s done yet. I have horrible fears of “Oh my God. What if she was to DIE before finishing the series?! Could I even handle that!?” I feel like the characters actually existed. I told Adam so many of the characters are so wise and always know exactly the right thing to say/do (of course) but then it dawned on me that the author is also that wise—because she’s the one writing what they say. It makes me jealous. And also makes me want to move to the middle of frickin’ nowhere.

This morning, now that Adam had to sit out a game, we got up late (AGAIN) and then worked in the yard. It was supposed to be warm, so I wore a bikini top and a pair of my favorite workout shorts and a bandana and we finally got a lot of our railroad tie project done. FINALLY. We bought the supplies (mulch, weed paper, railroad ties, nails, etc) back in the fall. I didn’t want to see all of it sit around for months, but sit it did. We’ve had piles of bags of mulch in the backyard since September or something silly like that. Finally today we got some of the railroad tie beds done and then I put down the mulch.

119/365, posing with a truck I spied for Adam's dad:



OMG. Listening to this “Home Again” pet recovery system on the radio is just obnoxious, especially with the “Reunited and it feels so good” song at the end. I mean, it’s great your pet is back. But… seriously? Now it has adam singing it out loud. GREAT!

More YouTube:

Friday, April 27, 2007


I've seriously been neglecting this blog! I wish I could say I've been keeping up with my other blogs, but I haven't. I've been so busy that I haven't been doing much online outside of checking the people I read and doing my 365s.

I'm still doing my 365 photo project over at Flickr. You can find all of my pictures here. I can't believe I'm already up to day 117!

I've decided to try a new project using YouTube. I'm mimicking the 365 Flickr project in that I'm going to be taking a short video clip of myself every day. I'm not planning on it being anything exciting and instead very much Day In The Life. I'm working my way toward being a web celeb, gosh! :) You can check out my videos (all two of them!) below:

There's not a whole lot of new things to report about in my life. I got Adam to join a baseball league, so most of our summer weekends are going to be taken up with that (I hope!). I haven't been able to attend any more births as a doula--I've been on call a few times, but have mostly been too busy/unable to be on call. We're down to 1 car and it's going to be extra hard to volunteer now.

Enough of this boring post!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I's all about the hat here: the other day the dogs ate my Puma hat. I was pretty upset, as this only left me with a pink Notre Dame hat to wear to work. It gets old quickly. Adam yesterday surprised me and said "I got you a Puma hat!" and presented me with this. I immediately thought the green Puma logo looked a bit jewel-toned... and Adam said "I Sharpied the Puma!!"

Yeah; he couldn't find me a green Puma hat, so he Sharpied--no, dry-erase-markered--the Puma on the hat, just for me. :) When I told people this at work they all thought it was ADORABLE and said I have the cutest husband EVER.

Pretty much.

Monday, February 19, 2007

my mom :)

Not my favorite picture of her, but I can't find any scans and I'm too lazy to scan one in... :) This is me as a baby, freshly born in a hospital! :) The story of my birth is pretty typical--my mom's water broke, and my dad insisted she couldn't possibly be right and made her call HIS mom to confirm that her water had, in fact, broke. They drove to the hospital and had me with NO DRUGS. My mom didn't have any sort of drugs for any of us that I'm aware of. (Sidebar: my youngest sister was breech and they "let" my mom birth her vaginally, which I think is awesome, considering.)

Just for kicks, the new parents with ME, their first born! (You can really see "me" in this pic.)

Saturday, January 13, 2007

the great bedroom remodel!

Well, we finally remodeled our bedroom. I created a Flickr photoset to show the whole process!!

Friday, January 12, 2007


This is my 11/365 picture. I'm doing 'the seven deadly sins' this week, and yesterday was envy. GREEN with envy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


I decided to rise to the challenge of 365 self portraits in 2007. So far:








And you can always check it out daily on my Flickr, along with everyone else who is contributing (including my good friends and sister!):